Marine Non-Alcoholic Bloody Mary
Marine's umami seaweed notes work perfectly with tomato juice. So much so that we add it whether we're making the non-alc version or the original! More, more, moreish! If you're feeling experimental, you might like to try a touch of wasabi for a little extra spice.
50ml Everleaf Marine
110ml tomato juice
10ml lemon juice
Tabasco, celery salt, black pepper and Worcestershire sauce to taste
Garnish with celery, cucumber, lemon, olive or whatever takes your fancy!
Build the ingredients in a highball glass with ice and stir to mix, or throw between two shaker tins. Garnish abundantly.

Marine Non-Alcoholic Bloody Mary
Marine's umami seaweed notes work perfectly with tomato juice. So much so that we add it whether we're making the non-alc version or the original! More, more, moreish! If you're feeling experimental, you might like to try a touch of wasabi for a little extra spice.
50ml Everleaf Marine
110ml tomato juice
10ml lemon juice
Tabasco, celery salt, black pepper and Worcestershire sauce to taste
Garnish with celery, cucumber, lemon, olive or whatever takes your fancy!
Build the ingredients in a highball glass with ice and stir to mix, or throw between two shaker tins. Garnish abundantly.